SPecialized in labor law

General terms and conditions

1. Application
These general terms and conditions apply to all advice and all other services rendered by us, Oyal Juridik AB (below referred as "the Company"), to our clients. These conditions apply only to the extent that nothing else follows from Swedish legislation.
2. Processing of personal data
The company processes personal data in accordance with the privacy policy. The privacy policy can be found at https://www.oyaljuridik.se/integritetspolicy and is provided in printed format at the client's request.
3. Communication
Unless otherwise instructed by you, we may communicate with you by e-mail and through the Internet even though such communication involves security and confidentiality risks. We do not accept any liability for damages incurred due to such risks.
Our spam and virus filters and other security arrangements may sometimes reject or filter out legitimate e-mails. Accordingly, you should follow up important e-mails to us by telephone or by any other appropriate mean.
4. Intellectual property rights
The copyright and other intellectual property rights in our work products and advice shall vest in us, although you have the right to use them for the purpose for which they were rendered to you. Unless we have agreed otherwise, no documents or other work products generated by us may be generally circulated or used for marketing purposes.
5. Fee, advance payments and interest
For our work, the Company is entitled a reasonable fee. In assessing fairness, in addition to the time spent, the degree of difficulty and complexity of the assignment are taken into account.
On your request, we may provide you with an estimate of our fee at the outset of the engagement and update you of the fees incurred as work progresses. Such an estimate is based on the information we have available at that time and cannot be regarded as a fixed quote.
On your request, we may also, depending on the nature of the engagement, agree on a fixed fee, fee cap or other fee arrangement.
A separate email states the hourly fee that applies to the engagement. The hourly fee is the same regardless of who at the Company has performed the work in the engagement.
We may require you to make advance payments to us before we perform work. Such a request is not an estimate of (or cap on) any fees or expenses. In the event of not receiving an advance payment from you, we have the right to resign from the engagement.
We also have the right to invoice on an ongoing basis or invoice you partial fee or fee amount on account.
When the engagement is completed, you will be invoiced with a deduction for what you previously paid as above. In the event that your funds outstanding exceed the Company's receivable, the excess part will be repaid to you.
In the event of not receiving a payment from you, we have the right to resign from the engagement. In case of late payment, interest will be charged from the due date until receipt of payment in accordance with the provisions of the Swedish Interest Act (Sw. Räntelagen (1975:635)).
6. Consultation by phone or email
The client receives a free consultation by phone or email where we assess the client's case. For advice in addition, we have the right to charge you for the engagement.
7. Processing
We accept the client's assignment as an engagement for the law firm and not for an individual natural person.
A responsible lawyer is appointed to handle the engagement, but several lawyers may work on the engagement if this is deemed appropriate.
Even in the case of public appointment, substitution can take place between the law firm's lawyers if this is required to fulfill the engagement.
8. Language versions
These general terms and conditions are produced in a Swedish and an English language version. For clients domiciled in Sweden, the Swedish language version shall prevail. For all other clients, the English language version shall prevail.
9. Complaints
In the event that there is dissatisfaction due to the performance of the engagement or other concerns of the Company's services, you should contact the CEO of the law firm.
Should dissatisfaction persist after such contact, a report can be submitted to the competent authority for supervision.
10. You may terminate our engagement at any time. Law and applicable Code of Conduct specify the circumstances under which we may or are required to withdraw from the engagement. In the event of termination or our withdrawal, you must pay the fees for our work and reimburse us for the expenses incurred up to the date of termination or withdrawal in accordance with these general terms and conditions.
11. Limitation of liability
The Company is liable for damage suffered by you only if the damage was caused by the Company through error or negligence in the performance of the engagement.
Unless otherwise agreed, we shall have no liability to you for the completeness or accuracy of the information you or others have provided to us in connection with our work, nor for any loss or damage arising from misleading, incorrect information or omission from another than ourselves or our co-owners or staff.
We shall have no liability to you for any loss or damage suffered as a result of the use by you of any of our work products or advice in any other context or for any other purpose than for which it was provided.
We shall have no liability to you for loss or damage that has arisen as a result of you using our work results or advice in any other context or for any purpose other than for which they were given.
Our liability to you will be reduced by any amount which may be obtained under any insurance maintained by or for you or under any agreement or indemnity to which you are a party or a beneficiary.
We shall have no liability to any third party for any loss or damage suffered as a result of your or any third party’s use of any of our work products or advice.
12. Dispute resolution
Disputes that arise in connection with these general terms, the assignment or our work results or advice are finally decided at Stockholm District Court, Sweden.
We always have the right to collect our overdue claims on you through an application for an order for payment or in a general court. We then have the right to bring an action against you either in the court where you are domiciled or where your property is located or in Stockholm District Court, Sweden.
13. Governing law
These general terms and conditions and all issues in connection with them, the engagement, our work products and advice, and any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection therewith, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Sweden.
14. Right of withdrawal
In assignments accepted remotely or outside of business premises, the client has a right of withdrawal according to the law. When exercising the right of withdrawal, Oyal Juridik should be clearly informed of the client's decision within 14 days from signing the assignment agreement. Standard forms for exercising the right of withdrawal are available from the Consumer Agency in Sweden.